

Prudent Crossings: From Milton's Paradise to Canada's Bush Gardens

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  • Beschreibung
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  • 244 Seiten, Paperback
  • Format 23,0 x 15,5 cm
  • 1. Auflage
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 18.12.2023

This book brings together current scholarship and creative writing on transhistorical and transatlantic crossings in Anglophone literary studies with a particular focus on Canada and Britain. It revolves especially around the research fields Martin Kuester has helped to develop over the years to explore the mutually enriching influences between British and Canadian literatures. Individual chapters focus on Margaret Atwood, Rohinton Mistry, Robert Kroetsch, early Canadian autofiction, Canada and the underground railroad, transnational Canadian writing, David Chariandy’s fiction, the Great War in English-Canadian fiction as well as Anglophone fiction by Norma Dunning and Tanya Tagaq. Further chapters centre on William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, William Blake and on project-oriented and cross-curricular teaching. The book is enriched by a series of poems and creative pieces on Martin Kuester and transatlantic scholarship and writing, including pieces by Ruth Panofsky, George Elliot Clarke, Mareike Neuhaus, Hartmut Lutz, and Aritha van Herk.

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