
Lost Doesn’t Mean Alone

Small-Group Dynamics amongst Adolescents in 20th-Century Anglophone Novels

von Maya Grünschloß
ISBN: 978-3-95786-289-1
Verkaufspreis32,80 €
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Studies in Anglophone Literatures und Cultures, Band 11 (Hrsg. Prof. Dr. Martin Kuester)
  • 342 Seiten, Abbildungen: 2, Paperback
  • Format 23,0 x 15,5 cm
  • 1. Auflage
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 25.10.2021

How do novels compare to social sciences? And what do James M. Barrie, William Golding, Anthony Burgess, S. E. Hinton and Donna Tartt have in common? In this dissertati on, Maya Grünschloß examines the differences and similarities between the major works of those five novelists in connection to intentional and unintentional recourses to – and even anticipation of – psychological and sociological findings. By reference to the Narrative Turn in Social Sciences, she analyses how much actual science is to be found in narrative.
Maya Grünschloß studied English, Spanish and Italian Literary Studies in Marburg and Leipzig. Now she lives in Barcelona with her husband and son and works as a freelance translator for international publishers and companies.

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