
London as a Literary Region

The Portrayal of the Metropolis in Contemporary Postcolonial British Fiction

von Anette Mueller
ISBN: 978-3-89639-579-5
Verkaufspreis26,80 €
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  • Beschreibung
Studies in Anglophone Literatures und Cultures, Band 1 (Hrsg. Prof. Dr. Martin Kuester)
  • 215 Seiten, Paperback
  • Format 23,0 x 15,5 cm
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 11.01.2008

Twenty-two authors of postcolonial London fiction are discussed in this study. It is not only London and their writing about London that connects them. They all share a past that has been influenced by (post)colonialism – some of these writers, like Salman Rushdie and V. S. Naipaul, immigrated to England when they were young, while others have a parent or parents or even grand-parents that came to London to find a better life. Some, like Hanif Kureishi, were born and bred in England and have never been exposed to an immigrant community. Yet all these twenty-two authors that are included in this study are commonly seen – by critics and scholars alike – as 'postcolonial authors,' 'immigrant writers' or 'diaspora writers.'

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