
Diasporic Generationality

Identity, Generation Relationships and Diaspora in Selected Novels from Britain and Canada

von Sylvia Langwald
ISBN: 978-3-95786-027-9
Verkaufspreis32,80 €
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Studies in Anglophone Literatures und Cultures, Band 7 (Hrsg. Prof. Dr. Martin Kuester)
  • 534 Seiten, Paperback
  • Format 23,0 x 15,5 cm
  • 1. Auflage
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 08.05.2015

Diasporic Generationality examines the intersections between identity formation and intergenerational
relationships in the diaspora. Based on the analysis of six novels from Britain and Canada, this study challenges static thinking about ‘the immigrant family’ and second-generation diasporic identities in current critical discourse and proposes a theory of diasporic generationality that acknowledges the complex dynamics of identity and generation relationships in the contexts of migration and multiculturalism.

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