
Modernism on the ‘Margin’ – The ‘Margin’ on Modernism

Manifestations in Canadian Culture

von Katalin Kürtösi
ISBN: 978-3-89639-911-3
Verkaufspreis26,80 €
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Studies in Anglophone Literatures und Cultures, Band 4 (Hrsg. Prof. Dr. Martin Kuester)
  • 280 Seiten, Abbildungen: 13, Paperback
  • Format 23,0 x 15,5 cm
  • 1. Auflage
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 18.11.2013

Recent critical discourse looks at Modernist art from new angles: artists from formerly neglected geographical regions are now considered as contributing to it, and thus a plurality of voices encourages us to speak of Modernisms in the plural rather than of a single Modernism.
“Modernism on the ‘Margin’ – The ‘Margin’ on Modernism“ maps the contribution of artists active in Canada and highlights theoretical approaches by Canadian scholars concerning the nature of Modernisms.
Katalin Kürtösi teaches at the University of Szeged, Hungary.

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